Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

motorcycle accident lawyer

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Arizona

Motorcycle accidents can happen without warning, often resulting in severe injuries or even death. With the lack of protection that passenger vehicles offer, motorcyclists are more vulnerable to catastrophic injuries when involved in an accident. At Garrison Law Firm, our father-and-son legal team is dedicated to helping motorcycle accident victims pursue the compensation they deserve for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.


Arizona Motorcycle Accident Facts

Motorcycle accidents are unfortunately common in Arizona. Consider these facts from 2020 Crash Data:

  • 2,317 motorcycle accidents occurred in 2020
  • 1,810 people were injured, with 161 fatalities
  • 77.13% of accidents occurred in urban areas
  • 1,309 wrecks involved a collision with another vehicle
  • 455 wrecks involved a collision with a fixed object, a 56% increase over four years
  • 1,533 accidents occurred during the day
  • 532 accidents involved a rider exceeding the speed limit

The data highlights that daytime riding isn’t necessarily safer than nighttime riding, and the largest threat to motorcyclists is other vehicles on the road.

personal injury lawyer

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can happen for many reasons, often due to the negligence of other drivers. Some common causes include:

  • Cars Making Left-Hand Turns: Many accidents occur when vehicles fail to see motorcycles while making left turns, leading to severe injuries.
  • Hazardous Road Conditions: Loose gravel, uneven roads, or bad weather make motorcycles particularly vulnerable due to their lack of surrounding protection.
  • Reckless or Distracted Driving: Accidents frequently occur when drivers are distracted, speeding, or under the influence of alcohol.
  • Failure to Detect Motorcycles: Because of their smaller size, motorcycles often go unnoticed by other vehicles, causing accidents.
  • Motorcycle Lane Splitting: When motorcyclists drive between lanes of traffic, they risk collision, especially when passenger vehicles change lanes unexpectedly.

Contact our motorcycle accident lawyer today.

motorcycle accident lawyer

Why Choose Garrison Law Firm?

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, the team at Garrison Law Firm is here to fight for your rights. We proudly serve Surprise, Peoria, Glendale, Avondale, Wickenburg, Buckeye, Phoenix, and surrounding areas, providing expert legal representation to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.