Arizona Personal Injury Blog
4 Common Types of Slip-and-Fall Accidents
Slip-and-fall accidents might seem like they are fairly uncommon, but a lot of Americans each year are injured due to these incidents. While slip-and-fall accidents can occur in many places, these accidents can commonly happen due to the following four hazards. 1....
Personal Injury and Home Insurance Policy FAQs
Homeowners' insurance policies cover damage to the home's exterior and interior caused by vandalism, weather events, and fire. However, accidents can also occur at someone else's property, resulting in lost wages, pain and suffering, and physical injuries. Thus, most...
Arizona Social Host Liability Laws: What You Need to Know
If you frequently host gatherings or parties and you serve alcohol inside of your home, then you need to learn all about the Arizona social host liability laws. These laws apply to anyone who serves alcohol to guests inside of their home, whether they are serving...
What Are Common Car Accident Injuries?
Often, car accidents can leave you with a damaged car but no injuries. However, car accidents can sometimes leave you with injuries that require medical care and substantial expenses. Discover common injuries a person can sustain in a car accident. Whiplash Whiplash...
Slip & Fall Injury Cases: Why Your Shoes Matter
When a party is being held liable for a slip and fall injury case, the defense lawyers will look for every possible way to discredit the person who was injured and hold them at fault for the injury. These lawyers will often scrutinize the time of the day, the...